The Minnesota Traffic Observatory (MTO) is a transportation laboratory focusing on the testing and evaluation of new transportation management and operational strategies and traveler information technologies. The MTO is a facility of the University of Minnesota's Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering. It is also affiliated with the 电脑可用vpn, the Region 5 University Transportation Center.


          MTO lab


          Improving the management of transportation networks through simulation and modeling.

          Learn More 顺网科技云电脑产品发布 瞄准5G互动娱乐新生态_中证网:2021-6-25 · 中证网讯(记者 陈一良)6月25日,顺网科技(300113)正式发布顺网云电脑及云游戏解决方案,顺网科技副董事长励怡青在发布伒式上表示,顺网科技 ...


          Investigating and improving the safety and mobility of transportation networks.

          Learn More about traffic safety research projects


          Developing tools and techniques that bring complex planning issues into clear perspective.

          Learn More 沪逾10万户"黑宽带" 上网不是断就是慢_新民社会_新民网:2021-12-23 · 电脑提示她:“宽带连接错误,伕码678”。 她把网线从路由器上拔下来,直接插进电脑接线槽,依然毫无反应。自从今年2月安装了这家名为光速通 ...


          Joining technological innovations with transportation systems to improve safety and efficiency.

          Learn More 华为MateBook X Pro被权威外媒评为2021年度最佳笔记本-IT ...:2021-4-10 · 近日,英国最大的独立产品评测网站Pocket-lint,评选华为MateBook X Pro为2021年度最佳笔记本电脑。作为全球Top 50媒体之一的Pocket-lint,是一家拥有巨大影响力的全球性科技刊物,致力于为用 …


          Car-crash mystery: Why can’t drivers figure out roundabouts?

          新一伕MacBook Pro问题频现 你还敢买吗?--千龙网·中国 ...:新一伕MacBook Pro发布后,电池的续航能力就遭到了质疑。苹果官方宣称,新一伕MacBook Pro电池的续航能力能达到10个小时,但许多用户抱怨,其笔记本电脑的电池续航只有3~6个小时。 虽然网友吐槽不断,苹果方面一开始似乎并未想从根源上解决问题。

          University of Minnesota working to create the country's first 'Super Ambulance'

          Work-zone mapping project to reduce crashes with improved driver information

          江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网 安装翻墙软件被查处_央广网 - · 嫌生意清淡,淮安盱眙的一家网吧老板打起了周边学校学生的注意,为了招揽学生 上网消费,他在电脑上安装了一款翻墙软件:可众让学生不刷身份 ...

          More News



          Evaluation of the Effect MnPASS Lane Design has on Mobility and Safety
          This study evaluated the safety and mobility of both restricted and open access MnPASS lanes.

          Effect of Signing and Striping on the Safety of a Two-Lane Roundabout
          This project examined driving behavior and safety before and after signing and striping changes at a two-lane roundabout.

          Modeling Traffic Impacts on Visitor Experience and on Wildlife in Public Spaces
          The MTO developed a model to simulate the complex relationships between traffic patterns and wildlife movements in Denali National Park.

          Rapidly deployable, low-cost traffic data and video collection device
          This portable traffic data collection system—designed for temporary data gathering and video recording—is easily deployable, non-intrusive, and inexpensive.

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